The Month of Jersey Adventures

Why travel far when adventure could be found in your backyard? That’s what I set out to discover in March here in Jersey City. Rather than search for adventure out of state, I decided to seek out adventure in my neighborhood.

From solo dates, to early morning cinnamon rolls, to St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans, it ended up being a very busy month. Let’s see what I got up to…

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Beer, barbecue and goats in Austin, Texas

Where did we leave off? If you’re up to date with my little blog, I believe you may have finished reading about my trip to Ireland in January. As of right now, I’m on a bit of a travel hiatus. I’m trying this new thing where I try to save my money instead of spending it all on plane tickets, hotel stays, etc. Will keep you posted on how that goes.

In the meantime, I figured we could take a trip down memory lane and revisit my trip to Austin, Texas, in February!

Continue reading “Beer, barbecue and goats in Austin, Texas”